Amid the demands for equality, some corporations have taken the obvious initial steps such as...
How one company is helping corporations hire and retain a diverse workforce (Clone)
“The issue is the entire pipeline, it’s not just retention — it’s recruitment, it’s advancement.” A big thank you to Adam Shapiro and Julie Hyman of Yahoo Finance On the Move for having our CEO, Dane Holmes on the show this morning to discuss the important work that needs to happen to hire and retain a diverse workforce. Listen now to the conversation and learn more about:

- What the private sector needs to do to achieve anything of value
- The four factors of our Inclusion Index™ and what this real measurement can help you achieve
- The multiple steps required to build a sustainable, inclusive culture — we call it the 5 “A”s – Acknowledgement, Awareness, Accountability, Action & Adoption.
- And more!
Thank you again to Adam Shapiro and Julie Hyman of Yahoo Finance On the Move for a great conversation!